Troubleshooting Garage Door Openers

Electric garage doors are the largest moving part in your home, and they will last a long time if you know how to maintain them. Beginning with the door itself, there are a few steps you can take to make sure your door lasts a long time and remains functional. These tips will help you assess problems as they arise.

Power Source

You’ll want to begin with the power source. You should look for any exposed wiring that may be a fire hazard, then check to make sure that the unit is plugged securely into the wall. The emergency chain should be the next point of inspection. Give it a good tug to be sure that the door opens. If the door does not respond, check for obstructions that may prevent it from opening. Even small pieces of debris can cause serious jams if you aren’t paying attention.

Damage Check

Metal doors are resilient, but tend to be susceptible to dents and scratches. Families with a basketball hoop over their garage will want to check their door frequently for damage, as the ball can leave sizable dents if thrown hard enough. Don’t try to pound these dents out by yourself! It may void your warranty and disqualify you from a free repair job.

Other Thoughts

Sometimes, the issue is that the motor is overheated. If you discover problems after recent use, try letting things cool off before you try again. You may find the issue resolves itself. It’s important to check for every potential problem that may spring up. If you need to hire a professional, you can go through the steps you’ve already taken and save a bit of cash on the repairs.

ETO Doors is a door retailer situated in Los Angeles. The professionals of ETO Doors have experience selecting and hanging doors. Find out how to upgrade the front door of your home, or view ETO Doors reviews online.